
Scenario and Lesson Plan Repository

Our professional community does so much excellent work in health and social care simulation. One example is in the writing of scenarios and lesson plans. We want to provide an opportunity to share this work through the VSA website.

We recognise that approaches to care and education vary widely. What works in one setting may not work in another. We’re leaving you to make judgments about what’s right for your context. If you need to tweak content, then please go ahead. We invite you to use the content as you see fit and to acknowledge the author/s just as you would any other forms of scholarship.

While the content we share here has undergone informal peer review, we have not copy-edited or added other publishing touches. Authors will welcome feedback if you implement their scenario.

We hope you find the scenarios valuable.


Breaking Bad News
This lesson plan for a simulation-based teaching session is based on Breaking Bad News, a complex communication skill but one that is inherently part of the medical profession. The lesson plan targets fourth-year medical students, emphasising preparation, barriers, strategies, structured approaches, and advanced communication skills. Key components involve pre-workshop study, guided activities, simulations with role-play, and reflective practices. The workshop’s effectiveness is evaluated through formative feedback, reflections, and participant evaluations, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

Author: Brid Phillips
Date: 2 June 2024

Nursing management of a Seizure
Compassionate conversation: Addressing family concerns in end-of-life care in a nursing home
Management of upper airway obstruction in anaphylactic shock
Cardiac advanced life support and preparation for sternotomy in the Intensive Care Unit
Nursing assessment of upper limb neurovascular observations following application of a backslab for treatment of a fractured right distal radius
Ultrasound guided intravenous cannula insertion
Neurosurgical patient deterioration
Paediatric airway management in holding bay
Intrahospital trauma transfer

Video scenarios

This 10-minute video explores the concepts of co-debriefing and the various structured approaches.

Author: Chloe Van Schie
Date: 22 April 2024

Role of simulation in promoting cultural safety in healthcare
Peer Assisted Learning as an educational method
Transformative learning theory
Teacher feedback language following skills assessment using simulation
Deliberate practice
Stress Inoculation - essential training for care?

Submit a scenario

If you would like to submit a scenario please send us the following information. Please include a coversheet on your submission that includes:
  • Title
  • Author
  • Author email (optional)
  • Date of development
  • Overview (<150 words)
  • Keywords
  • Simulation modality
You can refer to this coversheet as a guide.

Scenarios will be posted for three years, at which time we may contact you to review them. You are welcome to resubmit at that time.
Submit a scenario